Available classes
Below you can find a list of the available class series, now also ONLINE. But do keep in mind that you can also contact me to create a new class and tailor it to your needs.

2 hrs, snack included

Quick and healthy dinners… after a full day at work – yes we can!
A busy schedule at work and at home often leaves little time for food preparation. But even with limited availability of time, healthy and appealing dishes < id="target-id67e17bf097844" class="collapseomatic_content "> can be prepared. We will talk about the composition of a healthy meal, according to your family’s needs, and learn tricks to make food preparation possible, even if you get home late. Some planning is a must… but it is also fun to set up a meal with whatever is available in the fridge and in the pantry.
When you book, please mention in the notes if you have any food allergies or other nutrition related problems. Also, read the privacy note, related to the data that will be collected for billing.>(…)Close
3 hrs, lunch or dinner included

Grains, legumes and veggies – thousands of combinations for healthy meals.
Findings from nutrition research suggest that a minimally processed, mainly plant based diet offers protection from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and other illnesses. < id="target-id67e17bf09d0b2" class="collapseomatic_content "> A plant based diet is also environmental friendly. But how do you go from theory to practice? People often think that grains are just bread and pasta, and veggies are something boring and soggy that we have to eat. Together we will discover other grains, unusual legumes and tasty veggies. And we will experiment with recipes and tricks to transform simple food into very attractive and tasty dishes.
When you book, please mention in the notes if you have any food allergies or other nutrition related problems. Also, read the privacy note, related to the data that will be collected for billing.>(…)Close
3 hrs, lunch or dinner included

Whole wheat bread and pizza – with a healthy walk while the dough rises.
There are hundreds of ways to bake bread… The basic ingredients are water, flour and yeast, but there is a variety of flours to choose from and hundreds of ways to prepare < id="target-id67e17bf0a377a" class="collapseomatic_content "> the dough. My idea is that baking bread should be fun and easy. And the resulting bread should be tasty and good for you. And the same dough can also be used for pizza, focaccia, schiacciata….and some desserts as well. In this class we will prepare a couple of different doughs, let the bread dough rise for a few hours while we go out for a walk in our natural Tuscan countryside. When we get back, the dough will be ready for a second kneading and another rise. We will also prepare some easy dishes that go well with newly baked bread or focaccia. Finally, the bread goes into the oven and we get ready for dinner. Bring sturdy shoes and appropriate clothing for the season.
When you book, please mention in the notes if you have any food allergies or other nutrition related problems. Also, read the privacy note, related to the data that will be collected for billing.>(…)Close
6 hrs, lunch or dinner included

Kids in the kitchen, parents in town – Enjoy your day off while we prepare your dinner, but please be back in time!
If you are visiting Florence with your family, you certainly know that there are days in < id="target-id67e17bf0a84aa" class="collapseomatic_content "> which you can easily bring your kids with you. But sometimes a full day in a museum might be too much for them. It may also be that your kids are different ages and have different interests, and what is appropriate for some of them is not for the others. So, here is the solution: your child/children can spend the day with me. We will work in the kitchen, spend time in our natural Tuscan countryside, eat, play, rest. We will also prepare a tasty dinner for you and we will have dinner together, when you get back. And then the day is over… Advantages: the kids will have an unusual day. You will be able to concentrate on your favorite art, sport, or on any other activity. We will all have dinner in a quiet, silent, restful place. And hopefully you and your kids will learn to prepare some new, easy and healthy dishes.
When you book, please mention in the notes if you or your kids have any food allergies or other nutrition related problems. Also, read the privacy note, related to the data that will be collected for billing. >(…)Close
10 hrs, snack+lunch+dinner included

3 hrs, lunch or dinner included

3 hrs, lunch or dinner included
Guess who’s coming for dinner?

How about… a dinner with a vegan guest? – Easier done than said.
We can set up a dinner from appetizer to dessert, which will please the vegan and the omnivore. As a good host, you should always do your best to make all your guests < id="target-id67e17bf0b9511" class="collapseomatic_content "> happy and to surprise them with special treats. The best you can do is to make them feel welcome. The choice to exclude food of animal origin from the diet is becoming more and more common. And as a good host you should be prepared to happily set up a vegan dinner, even if you are a meat eater. All the other guests will be surprised to find out how good a vegan dinner can be.
When you book, please mention in the notes if you have any food allergies or other nutrition related problems. Also, read the privacy note, related to the data that will be collected for billing.>(…)Close
3 hrs, lunch or dinner included

Mom, I’m coming for lunch with a friend. She’s celiac… – Don’t panic. Learn about food and food handling: you’ll be able to set up the most delicious lunch for family and friends with celiac condition. The intestine of a celiac person cannot tolerate gluten < id="target-id67e17bf0be960" class="collapseomatic_content "> which is a protein present in some types of grain. Some of them, like wheat, are staples in many countries and are included in many processed foods. We will discuss good natural alternatives to cereals that contain gluten and set up an attractive gluten free meal, which will please all your guests, without making special dishes for those with celiac condition.
When you book, please mention in the notes if you have any food allergies or other nutrition related problems. Also, read the privacy note, related to the data that will be collected for billing. >(…)Close
3 hrs, lunch or dinner included

A healthy party even for dieting friends!
Would you like to organize a party, but most of the people you know are obsessed by their weight? There are plenty of tasty low-cal recipes that you can offer to your dieting < id="target-id67e17bf0c36fa" class="collapseomatic_content ">friends without threatening their waist lines. We will prepare a complete dinner, from the appetizers to the dessert, keeping in mind that we want a low-calorie dinner. Your friends will not lose the progress they have made so far to lower their weight.
When you book, please mention in the notes if you have any food allergies or other nutrition related problems. Also, read the privacy note, related to the data that will be collected for billing.
3 hrs, lunch or dinner included
Below you can find a list of the ready made class series, divided in two main categories (Cook Your Health and Guess Who’s Coming for Dinner?). However, do keep in mind that you can also contact me to create a new class and tailor it to your needs!
Cook your health – Season 1

3 hrs, lunch or dinner included
Quick and healthy dinners < id="target-id67e17bf0ca4cd" class="collapseomatic_content "> after a full day at work – yes we can! A busy schedule at work and at home often leaves little time for food preparation. But even with limited availability of time, healthy and appealing dishes can be prepared. We will talk about the composition of a healthy meal, according to your family’s needs, and learn tricks to make food preparation possible, even if you get home late. Some planning is a must… but it is also fun to set up a meal with whatever is available in the fridge and in the pantry. When you book, please mention in the notes any food allergies or other nutrition related problems. Also, read the privacy note, related to the data that will be collected for billing. >(…)Close

3 hrs, lunch or dinner included
Grains, legumes and veggies < id="target-id67e17bf0cd956" class="collapseomatic_content "> thousands of combinations for healthy meals. Findings from nutrition research suggest that a minimally processed, mainly plant based diet offers protection from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and other illnesses. A plant based diet is also environmental friendly. But how do you go from theory to practice? People often think that grains are just bread and pasta, and veggies are something boring and soggy that we have to eat. Together we will discover other grains, unusual legumes and tasty veggies. And we will experiment with recipes and tricks to transform simple food into very attractive and tasty dishes. When you book, please mention in the notes any food allergies or other nutrition related problems. Also, read the privacy note, related to the data that will be collected for billing. >(…)Close

3 hrs, lunch or dinner included

6 hrs, lunch or dinner included
Kids in the kitchen, parents in town < id="target-id67e17bf0d5220" class="collapseomatic_content "> Enjoy your day off while we prepare your dinner. Please be back in time! If you are visiting Florence with your family, you certainly know that there are days in which you can easily bring your kids with you. But sometimes a full day in a museum might be too much for them. It may also be that your kids are different ages and have different interests, and what is appropriate for some of them is not for the others. So, here is the solution: your child/children can spend the day with me. We will work in the kitchen, spend time in our natural Tuscan countryside, eat, play, rest. We will also prepare a tasty dinner for you and we will have dinner together, when you get back. And then the day is over… Advantages: the kids will have an unusual day. You will be able to concentrate on your favorite art, sport, or on any other activity. We will all have dinner in a quiet, silent, restful place. And hopefully you and your kids will learn to prepare some new, easy and healthy dishes. When you book, please mention in the notes any food allergies or other nutrition related problems. Also, read the privacy note, related to the data that will be collected for billing. >(…)Close

10 hrs, snack+lunch+dinner included
Intriguing meals with weight loss secrets < id="target-id67e17bf0d8637" class="collapseomatic_content "> Learn to plan your routine meals, so that you can enjoy some transgression… Daily routine meals are the basis for our health and well-being. Breakfast, lunch and dinners, at home or away from home, should follow nutrition guidelines, personalized according to sex, age, health conditions, level of activity, height and weight, etc. This does not mean that we should eat boring and tasteless dishes or nano-portions: I’ll be happy to whisper in your ear some secrets to make your meals naturally light. A pasta dish can be loaded with saturated fats but there are tricks to prepare a pasta dish that is a major source of vitamins and other antioxidants. A dessert can be equally appealing even with half the calories of the one you are used to… A balanced diet most of the time and some transgression once-in-a-while: if you are overweight or obese, these rules will help you to lose weight without forgetting the pleasure of enjoying your favorite dishes. After a month your scale will start showing some encouraging results. When you book, please mention in the notes any food allergies or other nutrition related problems. Also, read the privacy note, related to the data that will be collected for billing. >(…)Close

3 hrs, lunch or dinner included
Do you know how much you eat? < id="target-id67e17bf0dc52f" class="collapseomatic_content "> Knowing your portion size is important to keep weight under control. But not only. The right quantity of food gives also the right amount of nutrients needed.Sometimes we think we know how much we eat, but often there is a distortion between our perception and reality. In this class we will check your idea of portion for different food items and compare it with the actual weighed amount. We will check the difference in calories, macro and micro-nutrients between the portions, by looking up data in food composition tables. We will cook together some healthy dishes, paying attention to the quantity of the various ingredients used, and to the final resulting portion size. When you book, please mention in the notes any food allergies or other nutrition related problems. Also, read the privacy note, related to the data that will be collected for billing. >(…)Close

3 hrs, lunch or dinner included
Guess who’s coming for dinner?

3 hrs, lunch or dinner included

3 hrs, lunch or dinner included

3 hrs, lunch or dinner included