• Ricette sane

    Riso, fagioli e zucca

    Un pasto salutare, veloce ed economico, in linea con le raccomandazioni. Puoi prepararlo da zero, mettendo a bagno i fagioli secchi la sera prima, oppure puoi risparmiare tempo usando fagioli già pronti. Anche questa è un’ottima scelta, ma facendo attenzione al sale, che spesso è troppo abbondante nei prodotti in…

  • Healthy Recipes

    Unusual roots

    The autumn is coming. Tomatoes and peppers will not have the same full taste that we got used to during the summer. It is therefore time to brush up some winter veggie recipes. Lets try some roots: they are a good side dish for legumes, meats, egg and fish. Source:…

  • Healthy Recipes

    Rice, beans, pumpkin

    A healthy, quick and cheap meal, in line with recommendations. You can prepare it from scratch (soaking and boiling the beans) or you can to save time by using canned beans: it is a perfect option, just be aware that canned food is often a bit too salty. You can…

  • Articles

    200 calories?

    Are you always worried about calories (kcal) and you never grasped the meaning of “energy dense” food? Here you can see pictures that make the concept more immediate…compare for example how much celery and how many French-fries you can put on your plate for the same amount of 200 kcal.…

  • Events

    Gola… Tra vizio e piacere

    In the frame of the project for scientific dissemination Caffè Corretto Scienza, coordinated by the University of Trieste, I have been invited to participate in the event Gola…tra vizio e piacere. Sacile (Pn) – Palazzo Ragazzoni Salone delle Feste (Viale Pietro Zancanaro, 2) Thursday, Septembre 19 settembre 2019 – at…

  • Events

    Dietitians’ week

    Also this year ANDID (the Association of Italian Dietitians) is organizing the Dietitians week, October 14-20 2019, i.e. the same week of the World Food Day, organized by FAO. This years’ theme is “Healthy diets for #zerohunger world”. Our association encourages dietitians to organize health promotion events during that week,…